301-678-9432 / 571-839-3218

Testing Services

Smart's Test Consulting Services help you optimize quality assurance initiatives. We assess existing QA processes and identify gaps by benchmarking against industry standards. We then work with you to bridge these gaps by identifying and prioritizing improvement measures.

Smart's Test Consulting Services span:

QA Maturity Assessment: Analysis of existing QA maturity to draw up a future-state roadmap. The roadmap has predefined interim maturity levels with well-documented milestones and activity tracks

Automation Strategy Consulting: Defines your test-automation vision, prioritizes your automation plan and supporting activities. Recommends the right tool to carry out automation, along with an estimation of your projected ROI

Test Strategy and Planning: Aligns your test strategy to overall business, IT needs and industry best practices, finalizes test methodology and approaches

Testing Center of Excellence: Set-up of a scalable Center of Excellence model in your organization to deploy consistent test methodologies, processes, tools, infrastructure, and metrics across testing engagements.

Our domain-led testing approach ensures we bring industry expertise to all consulting engagements, giving you a business-technology focus rather than a pure technology focus.
